1. Survey Introduction

Text Analytics is the use of computer software and services to derive and apply business insights from text data sources.
Please help me understand how you and your organization apply text technologies. This 21-question survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. I will present findings in a free report that will help you benchmark your own initiatives.

Survey questions explore user experiences with text technologies, solutions, and providers. They cover text analytics use across industries and tasks. Please respond if you are a business analyst, data scientist, researcher, consultant, manager, executive, or another type of user. Developers who work with text are also welcome to respond, but the survey is not intended for text-analytics solution providers or their staff.

For this survey, text mining, text data mining, content analytics, and text analytics are synonymous. Text analytics applies natural language processing (NLP) and is linked to speech analytics, so if you're a user in those areas, do respond.

I'll be preparing a free report with my findings. Thanks for participating!

Seth Grimes (grimes@altaplana.com, +1 301-270-0795)

Data statement: This survey records your IP address, which we will use only in an effort to detect bogus responses. It is your choice whether to provide your name, company, and contact information.  Your identifying information is covered by GDPR standards and will not be shared without your permission. If shared with your permission, it will not be linked to your individual survey responses.